
Showing posts from July, 2012


Installing Java in Linux using rpm 1)Download the rpm from oracle website.[ ] 2) Make the file executable by running the command:  chmod a + x jre-7u3-linux-i586-rpm.bin 3) Install the package using the command:  ./jre-7u3-linux-i586-rpm.bin 4) To list the installed jre rpm packages run the command:  rpm -qa | grep jre How to find if processor is 64 bit / 32 bit: getconf LONG_BIT Finally run command to get all CPU related info:  less /proc/cpuinfo Opening port 8080 on linux machine iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -i eth3 5 --dport 8080 -m state --state NEW, ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT To the list with iptables interface options iptables --line -vnL Add swap partition # mkswap /dev/sde1 # swapon /dev/sde1 Cat # /etc/ fstab /dev/sde1 swap swap defaults 0 0 Add swap file # dd if =/dev/ zero of =/root /swapfile bs=1M count=1024 1024 + 0 records in 1024 + 0 records out # chmod 600 / root / swapfile # mkswap / root / myswapfile